


When presenting, convincing others is the prime goal. By understanding and adapting to your audience, you will present effectively and build relationships. We use the leading personal assessment tool DISC to help you understand yourself and your audience better so that you can speak their language and convince them the easy way.


  • Improve your personal communication and effectiveness
  • Improve working relationships by improved understanding
  • Develop stronger sales skills
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presentatie training

What is DISC?

DISC is the leading personal assessment tool used by over 1 million people every year. DISC recognizes 4 personality styles: D, I, S and C. Knowing what style somebody is, will help you better understand that person which will get you closer to your presentation goals.

How does it work?

Before the training, participants will be asked to complete a series of questions that produce a detailed DISC report about your personality and behavior. During the training session, the results will be shared with the group and we will do some presentation exercises to understand and ‘work’ each color. You will learn how to analyze your audience within minutes and speak their language like a native.

What color are you?

“Understanding you audience is the key to convincing then. This training is such an eyeopener and stretches much further than presentations only.”
– Lydia Stolte, Graduate Recruiter bij Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer